Mars is calling. our candidates are answering.

Kanya Sokratez

Kanya is a recent art school graduate fed up with the gendered dynamics of Earth. “There is oppression and pressure having graduated and not having the usual safety net,” Kanya shares. The sexist ideologies that capitalism has implanted in our minds have even infiltrated the arts world. With her creative energy and artistic skills, Kanya brings both pragmatic skills and an imaginative and adaptable spirit to Mars. To Kanya, the MarxOnMars mission presents an opportunity “for all of us to start on the same plane. It's almost impossible for us to do that without completely starting over."



Lotsa text

Preston Mick, tech employeePreston Mick is a former tech employee from Illinois. After getting his degree, Preston was excited to move to Silicon Valley and join a community of innovators who shared his mission to build a technological utopia, free …

Preston Mick, tech employee

Preston Mick is a former tech employee from Illinois. After getting his degree, Preston was excited to move to Silicon Valley and join a community of innovators who shared his mission to build a technological utopia, free from geographical constraints. But like many of us, Preston was disappointed when the evils of capitalism revealed themselves in his industry. Preston is dedicated to establish a true Marxist society on Mars, where he will use his technological skills to ensure a more equitable and just society. With all its colors, he believes, Earth is too divisive. Now, like the blood that runs through all of us, Red will unify us all.

Miguel Santiago Ramirez, global nomad, gluten-free cooperA global nomad, Miguel Santiago Ramirez knows no home. As he helps people to travel across borders, Miguel defies the boundaries of the nation-state both physically and figuratively. “I’m done…

Miguel Santiago Ramirez, global nomad, gluten-free cooper

A global nomad, Miguel Santiago Ramirez knows no home. As he helps people to travel across borders, Miguel defies the boundaries of the nation-state both physically and figuratively. “I’m done with a system that defines where I can go and where I cannot go.” Miguel wants to move to Mars to establish an equal, multicultural society rid of racism, classism and sexism. Passionate about cooperative living and committed to a gluten-free, vegan diet, Miguel also sees his journey to Mars as an opportunity to embrace his alternative lifestyle. “That’s the definition of moving and adapting, we find new ways to live.”

Wallace P. Strengelhald, professor of occupational studies

Wallace P. Strengelhald, professor of occupational studies

Antonia Gramscini, Police Officer

Antonia Gramscini, Police Officer

Enrique Iglesias, fry cook at Long Jong and Silvers, former anthropology student

Enrique Iglesias, fry cook at Long Jong and Silvers, former anthropology student

Comred selection procedures

Think you have what it takes to join the colony? Tweet at us (@MarxonMars) to tell us why you want to join the Red Planetariat!

MarxOnMars strongly believes that every individual brings a unique personality and skill set to Mars. We focus not on vast experience and expertise honed in the neo-liberal global order, but on the potential to learn, grow, and empathize with all. Our candidates, though children of the capitalist system, wish to be reborn on Mother Mars.

Our MarxOne astronauts:

  • Are community-oriented,
  • are ready to pick up a hammer and sickle,
  • embrace diversity, equality and comreddery,
  • have a basic understanding of Marxist theory,
  • possess a revolutionary spirit,
  • and love the color Red.